Velgraf Group
Velgraf USA Inc.
Velgraf Turkmenistan
Velgraf Consultants
Vodno Stroitelstvo
Vodokanalproekt-Chisti Vodi
Informinvest Jsc
Transstroi Varna
David Holding
Velgraf CANADA |
VODNO STROITELSTVO was established in 1904 as a specialized unit for executing different types of hydraulic construction, irrigation and drainage projects, river and dike corrections, pumping stations, etc.
In 1997 Vodno Stroitelstvo was divided into several companies according to regions with the purpose to facilitate its privatization, and the following newly established companies entered the Consortium: Vodno Stroitelstvo-Varna Ltd; Vodno Stroitelstvo-Veliko Tarnovo AD; Vodno Stopanstvo-Pazardjik Ltd.; Vodstroi – Plovdiv AD; Vodstroi – 98 AD - Sliven; Vodno Stroitelstvo-Stara Zagora AD and Vodno Stroitelstvo-Haskovo AD.
The company implemented the following projects:
Dams of various dimensions, purpose and type - prevailing are the irrigation dams - 1857 Nos. with a total storage volume of 3860 million cub.m. The larger dams are equipped with controlling and measuring devices and automated intake structures;
Irrigation systems - 1 200 000 hectares and half of that area are sprinkle irrigation systems;
Drainage has been carried on 226 000 hectares of marshes, marshy areas and oversaturated lands;
Barrages, open and covered derivational canals, headed and non-headed tunnels, open steel pipelines;
River and dike correction;
Rice fields;
Pump Stations - 2525 irrigation pump stations and 83 drainage pump stations of different types / stationary, floating, sprinkler and combined /;
Ecological projects - 1400 water treatment plants and structures for treating the industrial, municipal and drinking water;
Civil engineering projects;
Technical assistance and supervision.
A major part of the activities of the company abroad include intermediary services to Bulgarian companies in construction, supervision and technical assistance in projects implemented in Syria, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria, Mali, Morocco, Cuba, etc.
Since 1991 the Company has been implementing residential and public buildings in the vicinity of Munich and Freiburg/ Breisgau /, Germany.